Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A.U.S.S.G Logo Making Contest

With the aspiration of being distinguished as the highest political sector in the university, A.U.S.S.G conducted a logo making contest to establish its official logo. The undertaking started on June 22 and the winners were selected on July 17, 2009.

The winners were formally awarded on the launching of the
60th foundation of Araullo University on July 31, 2009.

A.U.S.S.G congratulates the winners of the logo making contest, and gives its sincerest thanks to those who participated.

1st Place
4th year from the College of Criminology

2nd Place
4th year from the College of Information

and Communication Technology

3rd Place
4th Year- Newton from the Department of Basic Education


Alexander Aquino
College of Arts and Sciences
1st year Education

Candinelle De Guzman
College of Education
2nd Year

Darrel Jamlid
College of Management and Accoutancy
2nd year

Efren Ryan Dumaya
College of Arts and Sciences
1st year Education

Kathrina Bibal
College of Management and Accountancy
2nd Year

Maria Rollena Liam Sioson
College of Arts and Sciences
1st year Education

Sarah Rivera
College of Arts and Sciences
3rd year Political Science Student

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